Gum Graft

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1. What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a condition where the gum tissue that surrounds your teeth pulls back or wears down, exposing the root surface of your tooth. When the root of a tooth becomes exposed, the supporting bone structures and tissue of your tooth can become severely damaged. This could leave the tooth at higher risk of decay, infection, and even tooth loss.

Gum Recession

2. Causes

  • Vigorous tooth brushing
  • Genetics (thin gum tissue)
  • Teeth grinding
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Prominent root convexity
  • Frenulum pull
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Gum disease or periodontal diseases

3. What Is Gum Grafting?

Gum grafting involves carefully grafting new tissue onto an area where recession currently exists. This procedure is done to prevent further gum loss or to cover exposed roots. A small piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth is harvested and then placed onto the recession area to cover the exposed tooth root.


After Gum Grafting

4. What Is Connective Tissue Graft?

Connective tissue graft is the most effective way to achieve predictable gum graft with a high degree of cosmetic enhancement. This procedure provides a good blood supply to the graft and, therefore, has a very good predictable outcome. The connective tissue is taken internally from the palate with smaller donor sites and can minimize palatal trauma, postoperative pain, and the risk of complications. Connective tissue graft achieves a high degree of gingival cosmetics as it blends to the surrounding gum tissue.


After (Connective Tissue Graft, multiple)

5. What Is Free Gingival Graft?

In a free gingival graft, gum is also taken from the palate and attached to the area of recession to increase thickness and height of gum. This procedure involves the harvest of thicker gum tissue than connective tissue graft. If there is a recession area that needs to be thickened with keratinized gum, free gingival graft may be necessary.


After (Free Gingival Graft)

6. Does Gum Grafting Hurt?

Grafting procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia and are painless. You may have minor discomfort after gum grafting, but Dr. Jung will make sure you receive everything you need to make your procedure as comfortable as possible. Any discomfort you do experience can be relieved with pain killers, and it is usually temporary.